1. Log into the TC Portal
Students: https://student.tc.columbia.edu
Employee: https://employee.tc.columbia.edu
3. Click on the name of the course for which you want to schedule office hours.

4. Click Zoom on the course Navigation bar.
![SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera] - Google Chrome](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/652/419/original/656554c1-4807-45fd-bd43-ea7098041d07.png)
7. Enter the date and time your office hours will begin and how office hours will last (i.e., duration). Also, verify that the Time Zone is correct.
8. In the Security section, check Waiting room.
The Waiting room feature allows you to have private conversations with student(s) while other students wait their turn in the waiting room.

9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

10. To see the list of your Zoom office hours, click on Zoom on the course navigation on the left.