TC Technology Knowledge Base

Schedule office hours as a Zoom meeting using the TC Portal

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By using a Zoom waiting room, you control who can "enter" your Zoom meeting. This is ideal for scheduling office hours so you can have a private conversation.

1. Log into the TC Portal

2. In the applications Tab, click Zoom.

3. In Zoom, click Meetings.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

4. Click Schedule a Meeting.

My Meetings - Zoom - Google Chrome

5. In the Topic field, enter the name of your meeting.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

6. Select the date and time for your meeting. Next check the box next to Recurring meeting.

You can start your meeting at anytime. You're not restricted by the date, time, or duration you enter.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

7. In the recurring meetings section, select how how often, how many times you want to schedule your office hours, and confirm the week days when your meeting will reoccur.

Edit Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

8. Decide when you want the meetings to end. You may select an end date or after a certain number of meetings.

Edit Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

9. In the Security section, click Enable waiting rooms.

Edit Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

10. To select additional options, click Show. Then, click the checkboxes to select any additional meeting options you may want.

Edit Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome
Edit Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

11. Click Save.

Edit Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome
Meeting Information - Zoom - Google Chrome
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