TC Technology Knowledge Base

Share a Zoom recording with a specific user

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The steps below are to share a Zoom recording with one or more specific users.

1. Log into the TC Portal

2. In the applications Tab, click Zoom.

3. Click on Recordings & Transcripts.

My Recordings - Zoom - Google Chrome

4. Select a recording. Click on the Share button to the right of the recording name.

My Recordings - Zoom - Google Chrome

5. Click on Share Settings at the bottom.  

My Recordings - Zoom - Google Chrome

6. Be sure the options are set the way you would like them and then click Save.

My Recordings - Zoom

7. In the Share with specific people field, enter the email address of the person you would like to be able to view the recording, select their name, and then click Send.

My Recordings - Zoom Mail - Digital Futures Institute Workshops shared a recording with you
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