TC Technology Knowledge Base

Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting

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  • Participant must join meeting with PC, MAC or iPad device.
  • Participant that is sharing screen must be on a PC or MAC.

1. Share your screen.

Zoom Meeting

1.1. In the pop-up window, select a window to share. Then, click Share.

Zoom Meeting

1.2. When your content is being shared, you will receive a message above your Zoom control bar.  

Spam - Google Drive - Google Chrome

2. Click Remote control in the Zoom navigation bar.

Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome

3. In the dropdown, select the person you want to control the screen remotely.

Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome

4. The Remote control section and the green, Zoom share screen box will update to indicate who has control of the screen.

Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome
Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome
Set up a new survey in Qualtrics | Qualtrics | TC Technology Knowledge Base - Google Chrome

5. To regain control over the screen, simply "click" anywhere on your screen. The host's controls were override any remote access.

Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome

6. To stop remote control, click on Remote control in the Zoom navigation bar. Then, click Stop remote control.

Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome
Request from or give remote control to a participant in a Zoom meeting | Administration | TC Technology Knowledge Base | ScreenSteps - Google Chrome
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