TC Technology Knowledge Base

Create a Zoom meeting with a waiting room

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1. Log into the TC Portal

2. In the applications Tab, click Zoom.


4. In Zoom, click Meetings in the left navigation panel.

5. Click Schedule a Meeting.

My Meetings - Zoom - Google Chrome

6. In the Topic field, enter the name of your dissertation defense.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

7. Select the date and time for your dissertation defense.

You can start your meeting at anytime. You're not restricted by the date, time, or duration you enter.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

8. To invite participants to your Zoom meeting, enter their emails addresses in the Attendees field.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

9. To create a Zoom room for your meeting, click the Generate Automatically button in the Meeting ID section.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

10. To require a passcode to enter, click the Passcode option in the Security section.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

11. Click the Waiting Room option in the Security section.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome

12. To save and schedule your meeting, Click Save.

Schedule a Meeting - Zoom - Google Chrome
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