The home page template automatically includes the following images for your thumbnails.
The number of thumbnails is determined prior to importing your course template.
1. Pick out the images you would like to use for these thumbnails.
2. Download the images onto your desktop and rename them according to the module number they align with.
Module 1: 001.jpg
Module 2: 002.jpg
Module 3: 003.jpg
Module 4: 004.jpg
and so on....
3. Once you have the image you would like to use downloaded, return to your course and select Files.
3. Select the folder titled Folder with Home Page Images or my_files. In either of those folders, you should see a list of images.
The folders may be under a different title depending on how you customized your course. If you have problems locating this file, submit a ticket to DFI.
4. Upload your new images.
You can upload all of your new images at once.
5. Confirm your edits and click Replace.
It will ask you to do this for every image you replace.