TC Technology Knowledge Base

Use the Manually Assign Peer Reviews option to an existing Canvas Assignment.

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When using this feature, Canvas will assign peer reviews to selected students once they have submitted their own assignment.

  • It may take up to one hour for Canvas to assign peer reviews.
  • If a student has not submitted the assignment or submits the assignment after the due date, the student will not automatically be assigned a peer review and you must manually assign one.
  • On Paper and No Submission assignment types must be manually assigned peer reviews.
  • If a student enrollment is deleted or becomes inactive, students will no longer be assigned to complete a peer review for the deleted or inactive enrollment. However, peer reviews already completed by the deleted/inactive enrollment will still display for students and instructors. If peer reviews have already been assigned, you may need to adjust assigned peer reviews.
  • Instructors must manually assign peer reviews to ensure that students who are part of the same group do not get assigned to each other on a group project.

1. In Course Navigation, click Assignments.

2. Locate and click on the assignment that you want to add Peer Reviewing to.

Assignments: SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera] - Google Chrome

3. When the assignment opens, click Edit.

SpeedGrader Sample Assignment - Google Chrome

4. Scroll down the screen to the Require Peer Reviews option. Click the box next to Require Peer Reviews.

5. Click Manually Assign Peer Reviews.

6. Assign the due date, Availability range, and click Save & Publish.

7. On the new screen, click on Peer Reviews at top, right side of the screen.

SpeedGrader Sample Assignment - Google Chrome

8. The screen will display a list of all the students in the class.

SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome

9. To select a student to assign a peer reviewer, click on Give Student another submission to assess. A dropdown menu with student names will appear. Click on the arrow to expand the menu to click a name to assign the student a peer reviewer. Then, click Add.

Remember, a student cannot review themselves.

SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome

10. The screen will assigned peer reviewers underneath the student names.

Assigned peer reviews appear underneath the student names.

  • A check mark indicates a peer review as been completed.
  • A warning icon indicates a peer review still needs to be completed.
SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome

11. To delete the assignment, click the trashcan icon.

SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome

12. Click Submit to complete.

SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome

13. (Optional) To remind students to complete their peer review assignments, hover over the peer reviewers name and click the bell icon. To view past reminders, hover over the bell.

SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome
SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera]: SpeedGrader Sample Assignment: Peer Reviews - Google Chrome
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