Instructors can add TC students to Canvas courses that are NOT associated with a course that is created through the Registrar's office. These courses are created by a Digital Futures Institute (DFI) staff member in Canvas. If you require assistance adding a student who is not currently registered at Teachers College, please submit a DFI request.
If you would like to add a student as a Participating Auditor to a course that is created through Banner visit the article on how to add a TC student to a course as a participating auditor.
1. Open your course in Canvas and click on People on the course menu.

2. Click the + People button.

3. Click the Login ID button.

4. In the box, enter the UNI of the student you wish to add.

5. Click the down arrow in the Role box.

6. When the choices appear, select student.

7. Click Next in the lower right.

8. You will receive a message that there were several possible matches. Click the circle next to the name associated with Teachers College listed as the Institution.
Do NOT select the student name associated with the email address because the students will not be able to access the course in Canvas. Please open a DFI ticket if you need assistance.

9. When the confirmation message appears, click Add User.