TC Technology Knowledge Base

Create a Group Assignment with randomly assigned students in Canvas

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2. Click + Assignment in the top right corner.

3. Enter a title in the Topic Title field, and enter instructions in the Rich Content Editor.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

4. To create groups of the students in your class, click  +Group Set.

5. Enter Points, Assignment Group, Display and allowable Submission Type information. Then, select how many attempts you will allow students to submit their assignments.

  • Use No Submission when you do not want students to submit an assignment in Canvas. This assignment type can be used to create extra columns in the Gradebook, or when you want to create an assignment that involves multiple scores. Submission Type does not apply to Not Graded assignments.
  • Use Online when you want students to submit their assignments using Canvas.
  • Use On Paper when you want students to submit an assignment to you but not through Canvas. This assignment type applies to traditional face-to-face courses or hybrid courses when you want the assignment turned in on paper during class, but you still want to create a column in the Canvas Gradebook for grading purposes.
  • Use External Tool when you want students to submit their assignments using an external app (LTI) enabled for your course.

The unlimited submission feature allows students to submit a file more than once due to error or revisions without faculty manually resetting the assignment. The feature does not extend due dates.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

6. In the Group Assignment section, click This is a Group Assignment.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7. An extended menu will appear.

7.1 If would like students have be scored individually, check Assign Grades to Each Student Individually. If not, leave the the option unchecked.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7.2 Click New Group Category.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7.3 In the pop-up window, enter a group name. Then, click the arrow next to Create groups later. Then, select how to sort the students into groups.

There are two options for creating randomly assigned groups:

1. Split by Number of Groups: Students will be randomly assigned into the specified number of groups. If the total number of students does not divide evenly into the groups, the groups will be made as balanced as possible.

2. Split by Number of Students per Group: Students will be randomly assigned into groups of the specified size. If the total number of students is not a multiple of the desired group size, the remaining students will be placed into an additional group.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome
Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7.4 The section will extend. In Group Structure, enter how many groups you want to create (or how many students should be in a group).  If you have more than one section of the course, click Require group members to be in the same section.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7.5 If you want a student to be assigned the group leader, check Automatically assign a student a group leader. Then, select how the leader should be chosen.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7.6 Click Save. A pop-up window will appear stating it will take a few minutes for Canvas to assign students to groups.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome
Create Assignment - Google Chrome

8. To set due dates, click Manage Due Dates and Assign To. In the new window, set the date and time for the the due date. Click Apply to save your date range.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

9. In the new side panel, select who will complete the assignment. Click the Assign to field. Assignments may be assigned to the whole class, specific sections, or individual students. Select who should complete the assignment by click on sections or names.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome
Create Assignment - Google Chrome

10. Select Due Date and Time and Availability range. Then, click Apply.

Canvas allows instructors to set different due dates for individual students. For information on how to use the multiple due date/user feature, see

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

11. Click the Save or Save & Publish button.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome
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