1. In My Media, click UPLOAD.
2. Select DOCUMENTS from the top menu.
3. Click Browse.
![Teachers College, Columbia University Enterprise Video Platform - Google Chrome](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/007/827/684/original/56fda4ad-a0eb-464f-8cd0-444dc78f0f5d.png)
4. Select the document you would like to upload and click Open.
5. You can track the uploading process at the bottom right corner in your Manage Media page [1]. The uploaded document will appear under Manage Media page [2].
The instructions below will guide you through how to add documents to a video.
6. Float your mouse over your video to see menu options. Click More...
7. Click Add Document.
![Teachers College, Columbia University Enterprise Video Platform - Google Chrome](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/007/827/686/original/84ad7800-5101-4d9b-8554-ba18bc24980d.png)
8. Click thumbnail of your Document to add from list.
![Teachers College, Columbia University Enterprise Video Platform - Google Chrome](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/007/827/688/original/e09306a3-0953-4f37-9298-94be4e0dc880.png)
9. Verify the document appears in the Linked Documents section. Click Save General.
![Teachers College, Columbia University Enterprise Video Platform - Google Chrome](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/007/827/690/original/0f5fb64c-9c58-4236-8f8b-b05f7ded6ed2.png)