TC Technology Knowledge Base

Edit Video Captions in TC Digital Media

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TC Digital Media automatically creates auto-captions for videos uploaded to TC Digital Media. However, you may need to edit the captions to make them more accurate.

It can take 24-48 hours for automatic captions to generate. You need to wait until that process is complete before you can edit the auto captions.

1. Go to the TC portal and click on TC Digital Media.

myTC - Employee Resources - Google Chrome

2. Click Login.

Teachers College, Columbia University Media Library - Google Chrome

3. Log in using your TC UNI and password credentials. Click Login.

myTC Login - Google Chrome

4. You will now be in your TC Digital Media account.

Teachers College, Columbia University Enterprise Video Platform - Google Chrome

5. Click on Manage Media to see all of your videos stored in TC Digital Media.

Teachers College, Columbia University Enterprise Video Platform - Google Chrome

6. Find the video you want to edit the captions and hover your mouse over the video until a menu appears towards the right.

7. Click on Edit.

8. Click on the CC Caption button to open the automatic captions.

9. The closed captions will open to the left. You can edit the captions by clicking within the text box and editing the text.

10. If there are multiple pages of captions, click the arrow at the bottom to move to the next page.

YuJa Video Editor

11. Once you have finished editing, click Save at the top of the screen.

12. Select Replace Existing Video.

13. Once you have saved or exited the editor, you will be brought back to your Manage Media page.

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