2. On the top right hand corner, click on grid icon [1] and select Usage & Analytics [2].

3. Click on the Grade Book icon on the left navigation bar.

7. To grade short answer questions, click on the box with a dark red border.
All short answer questions need to be graded manually.
8. You can grade each student's answer by selecting Correct or Incorrect [1], and click Save [2].

If the student's answer is correct, the box will change to green color.
9. All students' grades should be automatically synced to your Canvas course in about an hour.
10. (Optional) To sync all students' grades for the Video Quiz at once
10.1. Click Sync Gradebook and select On-Demand LMS Quiz Gradebook Sync.
On-Demand Gradebook Sync will overwrite all custom grades already entered in the LMS Gradebook for the specific student or video quiz.