TC Technology Knowledge Base

Upload a video to a Canvas Assignment with TC Digital Media (TCDM)

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Video file types supported by TCDM: .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .webm

1. Click on the name of your Canvas Assignment to open it.

2. Click Submit Assignment

3. Click on the Apps icon (looks like a plug). Then select View All.

4. Scroll through the apps menu and click on TC Digital Media.

5. You can choose to upload media from your TC DM Library [1] or upload media from other sources [2].

6. If you want to add a video from your computer, click Upload Media.

7. Select Video, then click Browse.

8. Click the name of your video, then click Open.

9. Once the video is uploaded, click on the thumbnail of your video.

10. Click Submit Assignment.

11. Once the video has completed processing, your instructor will be able to see the video you uploaded.

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