TC Technology Knowledge Base

Add a GRADED TC Digital Media video quiz to a Canvas course

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Before you can add a TC Digital Media quiz to Canvas, you will first need to Create a Video Quiz in TC Digital Media.

1. Go to your Canvas course.

2. Click Assignments, and select + Assignment.

3. Enter a title for the quiz.

4. Scroll down the page, enter and select  requirements for the quiz.

5. Next to Submission Type, choose External Tool from the dropdown list.

6. Click Find.

7. A pop-up window will appear. Scroll down to find TC Digital Media and click on it.

8. Click QUIZZES and select the video quiz that you'd like to include in this assignment from the list.

9. Click Insert Content.

10. Click Select.

11. Click Save & Publish or Save to create the video quiz.

12. Students will now be able to complete the video quiz in Canvas.

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