1. Open your Google Document and click the blue share button in the top right corner.

2. If you have not named your document, Google will prompt you to do so before sharing. Once you have named your document click Save to continue.

3. To share a direct link with someone, select from the drop-down the type of access you would like them to have.
There are three sharing options:
Restricted: Only specifically designated individuals may view the document. There may be additional login requirements to verify their access.
Tc.columbia.edu: Only individuals logged into their Tc.columbia.edu Google account may view the document.
Anyone with the link: Any individual with a the link may view the document. There are no log in requirements.
We recommend you select Tc.columbia.edu or Restricted for optimum security.

4. Once you have selected who you would like to access the link, select the type of access you would like them to have.
There are three permission options:
Viewer: The person can only view the document. They may not leave comments or make changes.
Commenter: The person can view the document to make comments but they may not make changes.
Editor: The person has full access to the document. They can view, make comments, and make changes to the document.

5. Click Copy link, then share it with others.