As a member of a Space in Google Chat, you can create and manage group tasks and assign tasks to other room members. Tasks display in the room where they're created and in the assignee’s personal tasks in Google Tasks. When someone creates or updates a task, such as assigning or completing the task, a notification appears in the room.
1. Click the Gmail icon in the the applications tab of the TC Portal. Then open Spaces in the Chat tab

2. Select the Space where you want to create a task.

4. Select Add space task. You might have to expand the room to see the Tasks tab.

5. Enter the task title. Then, click Add.

6. (Optional) To add a date and time, click Add date/time.
If you add a date and time to your task, you'll get notifications at the scheduled dates and times.
6.1. Select the date/time then click OK.

7. (Optional) To assign the task to a member of the room, click Assign.
To assign the task to someone who isn't a member of the room, you need to invite them to the room first. If the assignee leaves the room, the task remains in the room and in their personal task list in Google Tasks.
7.1. Select the name of the person

8. Click Add.
After you create a task, a notification displays in the room to let everyone know.