Create a Space in Google Chat means creating a room to provide a platform where a team can communicate and collaborate.
You can allow people outside Teachers College to join a room, but you must do so when you create the room. If you allow external people in a room, they must either have a Google Workspace account with another organization or a personal account
1. Click the Gmail icon in the the applications tab of the TC Portal.

2. Click the add symbol on the top right of Spaces, then select Create space.

3. Enter a Space name.

4. Enter the names or email addresses of the people and groups that you want to add or select from the suggestions. Suggestions include everyone in your organization, even if they don't have Chat.

(Optional) To allow people from outside your organization to join the room, check the Allow people outside your organization to join box. Important: You won't be able to change this setting later.

5. Click Create.