Follow the instructions below to update your timezone setting in the Google calendar.
2. Click the wheel on the top right, and select settings.

3. Click Time zone on the left side navigation bar.

3.1. Select United States as the Country.

3.2. Select the primary time zone of your preference for your calendar settings. This should display all events/meetings in that time zone.

3.3. (Optional) If needed, you can select an option for a secondary time zone.
3.3.1. Check the box next to Display secondary time zone.
3.3.2. Select an option for a secondary time zone.

4.1. Check the box next to Show world clock. You may select multiple time zones if needed.

4.2. In your calendar, the World Clock then shows the current time and then adjusts to the time when you click on a time in the calendar.

5. Click the back button to return back to your calendar.

6. When creating an independent event, you may edit time zone for it as well under meeting settings.