1. In order to get initial connectivity, please connect to the "TC-Guest" wireless network first. Once you're connected, please continue on to Step 2.
2. If you navigate to the available Wi-Fi networks in the Settings menu, you'll see Eduroam as one of the options. However, you shouldn't connect via this menu. Instead, go to step 2 in order to begin the enrollment process.

3. Open up Google Chrome and navigate to the Columbia University Wireless Configuration Portal at https://cloud.securew2.com/public/28503/Groups/Columbia_University_Network.

4. Click on Eduroam.

5. Select the Google Play Store as the download source, make sure the correct device type is selected, then click JoinNow.

6. Click Install to add the SecureW2 Client to your device.

7. Once the client finishes installing, click Open to begin the authentication process.

8. Enter your UNI ID and Password in order to authenticate, then click Continue.

9. At this point, you're successfully connected to Eduroam. Please click Done to continue.

10. If you navigate back to the Settings--->Wi-Fi menu, you'll see Eduroam successfully connected.