1. In order to set up your connection Eduroam, you must first connect to the "TC-Guest" wireless network. Once you're connected, please continue on to Step 2.
2. Navigate to the Columbia University Wireless Configuration Portal: https://cloud.securew2.com/public/28503/eduroam/index.html
3. Click on the eduroam link on the bottom of the page
4. Make sure the correct operating system is selected, then click JoinNow.
5. You will be prompted to download the SecureW2 supplicant. Please save the file to your local drive.
6. Locate the file on your local drive, and double-click the .dmg file to run the application.
7. Next, Install the application.
8. If a security prompt pops up for this file, click Open
9. When prompted, enter your UNI ID and password.
10. The client will automatically configure, authenticate & join to the Columbia Eduroam system. Once that process is complete, click the Done button.
You are now connected. You can confirm connectivity by clicking the Wifi icon on the Mac Menu Bar.