Before following the instructions below, make sure you have the TC Self Service App installed on your Mac. To check and see if it's installed, click the little magnifying glass icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and type in Self-Service.

The Self-Service icon will look like one of the two shown below:

Don't see the TC Self-Service app on your Mac? CLICK HERE to install it.
Connect to TC-Secure WiFi
1. In order to make sure your Mac is ready to connect to TC-Secure, please restart your computer.
If you do not restart your computer, you may not be able to complete the steps below. If you have restarted your computer and are still having issues with the steps below, please contact the Service Desk for assistance.
2. After you have restarted your computer, click on the Wifi icon on the Mac Menu Bar and select TC-Secure from the list.

3. Please Note: If a prompt appears stating The Wi-Fi network "TC-Secure" could not be joined, please proceed through Steps 4-6 in order to connect. If it does not appear, please continue to Step 7.

4. Navigate to System Preferences--->Network.

5. Click on the Wi-Fi tab, then click Connect next to 802.1X: WiFi (TC-Secure).

6. Next, enter your Okta Account Username Name and Password and clickOK.

7. Continued from Step 2: You'll be prompted for authentication credentials. Please enter your Okta Username and Password and click Join.
Note: This is the same username and password you use to login to your TC-owned desktop.

8. Once authentication is complete, you will now be connected to TC-Secure. You can confirm this in the wireless drop down list on the Menu Bar.

9. The final piece of the process is to place the TC-Secure network as the top priority in the Mac's wireless network list. Navigate to System Preferences--->Network.

10. Click on the Wi-Fi tab, then click Advanced.

11. Select the TC-Secure network from the list, then click the + button to move it above TC.

12. Click OK

Please Note: If your Mac cannot locate the correct certificate, you'll see a prompt to Select a certificate...

Scroll through the list of available certificates and choose HCR-CPPM-Pub, then click OK.

If you don't see the HCR-CPPM-Pub certificate available, please contact the Service Desk for assistance.