Constant sum questions provide respondents a way to enter numeric data. Each numeric entry is added together into a total. The total can then be displayed to the respondent, so long as the question is not in the slider or bars format.
Example: You can ask respondents how many hours they dedicate to certain activities in a given day and require that their answers add up to 24.
1. Click Add new question, then select Constant Sum as the Question type.

2. In Answer type, choose Choices, Bars, or Sliders.
- With the choices variation, respondents type their answers into text boxes.
- With the bars variation, respondents drag a bar to select a number for each item. If a maximum sum is set for the question, bars can’t be dragged above this sum.
- The slider variation is similar in function to the bars constant sum. Respondents drag a slider handle for each statement to select a number. If a “must total” validation is set for the question, slider handles cannot be dragged above this sum.

3. Number of Statements can be adjusted using the + or - button.