If needed, you can setup the process that will email respondents the research consent form they signed.
1. To set up an email trigger, click on the Survey options icon on the left panel.
You will need to collect participant's email address in order to send a copy of their response to them.

2. Select Post-Survey under Options. Click Edit triggers under Manage email triggers.

3. An email template will be displayed. Click anywhere in the message area. Then click on the piped text icon or {A}.

4. Select Survey Question, then find the question that contains the participant's email.

5. The piped text will appear within the message area. Cut the piped text and paste into the To Email Address text box.

7. Then edit Subject and add a message.

8. Choose when you would like the email to be sent.
If you want the respondent to get a copy of what they answered, check the box next to Include Response Report. If you want the respondent to have a copy of eConsent, check the box next to Show Full Question Text.

9. When finished with the email trigger, click Save Triggers to save changes.