All current TC faculty, students, and staff have access to Qualtrics through the myTC portal.
1. Log into the TC Portal
4. On the Qualtrics home page left-hand panel, click Create a new project.

5. Choose Survey.

6. Click Get Started.

7. Name your survey.

8. For the purposes of this demonstration, select Create a blank survey project.

- Create a blank survey project: Start with a blank survey project and build it to suit your needs.
- Import a QSF file: A new survey based off of a previously exported file of a Qualtrics survey.
- Copy a survey from an existing project: A new survey based on a copy of an existing survey you created or have access to.
- Use a survey from your library: A new survey based on a copy of a survey from your own or a shared library.
9. Click Create Project.