Display Logic: You can use display logic to create a survey that is customized to each respondent. When a specific question or answer choice pertains only to certain respondents, you can set display logic on it so that it shows conditionally based on previous information. You can choose to conditionally display both questions and answer choices, allowing you to create a survey that dynamically adapts to your respondent’s answers. Display logic is found in the Question behavior section of the survey builder.
Skip Logic: Skip logic allows you to send respondents to a future point in the survey based on how they answer a question. For instance, if a respondent indicates that they don’t agree to your survey’s consent form, they could immediately be skipped to the end of the survey. Please note that skip logic can only be used to send respondents forward in the survey, not backward.
1. To set Display or Skip Logic, select the question you wish to perform the action on and select Display logic or Skip logic under Question behavior menu.

2. Display logic will display the selected question only if conditions are met. Set the conditions in the pop-up window that appears.
Conditions can include selecting a specific answer to a specific question, device type, location, or can be based off of your distribution list.
2.1. Multiple logic conditions can be applied by using the plus button on the right.
2.2. Delete a logic condition by clicking the minus button.
2.3. Click Save when you have finished editing the logic.

3. Skip logic will skip over a selected question, block, or directly to the end of the survey if logic conditions are met. Click Confirm when you have finished to save the logic.