TC Technology Knowledge Base

Contact Qualtrics Support

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Your TC Qualtrics account entitles you to receive help directly from Qualtrics via a ticket, chat, or phone. You need to log into the Qualtrics support portal with your TC account information to receive assistance.

1. Log into the TC Portal

2. In the applications Tab, click More Applications.

3. Click on the Qualtrics icon.

4. From the Qualtrics home page, click on the dotted square in the top right corner.

Home | Qualtrics Experience Management - Google Chrome

5. From the dropdown, click on Customer Success Hub.

Home | Qualtrics Experience Management - Google Chrome

6. Click Columbia University Teachers College.

Login | Qualtrics Experience Management - Google Chrome

6.1. If needed, sign into your TC Portal again using the Sign in with SSO option.

Login | Qualtrics


Customer Success Hub - Google Chrome
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