TC Technology Knowledge Base

Download PDF of completed Qualtrics research consent form

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If needed, you are able to download a PDF version of the signed consent form for each participant.

1. Click on the Data & Analysis tab at the top.

Data | Qualtrics Survey Software - Google Chrome

2. Click the drop-down underneath the Actions column for each respondent.

Data | Qualtrics Survey Software - Google Chrome

3. Select Export to PDF.

Data | Qualtrics Survey Software - Google Chrome

4. Name the file (optional), select the orientation and page size. Then, click Export.

Data | Qualtrics Survey Software - Google Chrome

5. Click Download.

Data | Qualtrics Survey Software - Google Chrome

6. You will then have a PDF copy of the eConsent form for a respondent.

You will have to do this for every participant.

R_Tp9ES8GWPll6xfb.pdf - Google Chrome
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