Survey Flow is a block-level view of your survey. From here, customize where respondents go in survey and what they see. Perform simple tasks like rearranging blocks, or adding elements that direct and personalize respondents’ survey experience. Respondents will start at the top of the flow and work their way through until they reach an end point and finish the survey.
1. Click the Survey Flow icon in the left tab.

2. A list of the question blocks, or groups of questions, in your survey will display. For simple surveys, all questions may be in one block.

3. To customize the survey flow, click Add a New Element Here. Element options will appear in an extended menu. Select which section is best for your needs. Then, click Apply.
Some elements that can be added include:
- Block: add a new block of questions in the survey
- Branches: show certain blocks only to those who meet conditions you specify
- Embedded Data: record extra information in the survey data in addition to the question responses such as demographics and the condition a respondent was assigned to in a research study
- Randomizers: randomly choose which Blocks each respondent will see
- Web Service: make requests to a designated URL