Qualtrics Offline Surveys is an application available for iOS and Android that allows you to collect responses without an internet connection. Responses can be collected in the field and then uploaded back into Qualtrics as soon as you have an internet connection. The app is available for iPad, iPhone, and Android tablets and smartphones.
The Qualtrics Survey app must be downloaded prior to starting these steps.
1. Find the survey you wish to download and click on it.

2. Click Download Survey.

3. If you make changes to your survey online, you will need to click Refresh in the app to update the downloaded survey.
The device with the Qualtrics offline surveys app will need to be connected to the internet in order to update the survey in the app.

4. Downloaded Qualtrics surveys appear under Downloaded on the home screen.

1. Click on the downloaded survey you want to collect responses for. Then, click Take Survey.

2. The survey will appear on the screen for respondents to complete the survey.

3. When a respondent finishes, either click Restart or the refresh icon in the top left corner to collect another response.

4. Close the survey by clicking the X in the top right corner.

5. Closing the survey brings you back to the home screen, showing how many responses have been recorded and how many have been uploaded. To upload new responses, reconnect the device to the internet and click Upload Responses to upload the pending responses to Qualtrics.

5.1. The number of responses will transfer from pending to uploaded.

6. To access the survey settings, click on the red setting icon next to Upload Responses.

7. You can change survey settings, embed data tracking, view contacts, remove responses, and remove the survey on this screen. Click Back in the top left corner to go back to the home screen.

7.1. To set the amount of time it takes to present a new survey in Kiosk Mode, slide the dot along the bar.
Kiosk Mode automatically restarts the survey after a period of time.