Multiple choice questions are the default question type for Qualtrics, and the simplest to work with.
1. Click + Add new question.

2. List of question types will display. Select Multiple choice question type.

5. There are a few ways to change the number of selection items for multiple choice survey questions on Qualtrics.
5.1. To change the number of possible selection items one at a time:
5.1.1. Go to Number of choices in the left panel.

5.1.2. Click the - button to decrease the number of selection items. Click the + button to increase the number of selection items.

5.1.3. Click on the text to edit each option.
5.2. To enter several selection items at once:
5.2.1. Click Edit multiple in the left panel.

5.2.2. A new popup field will open. Click in the box to type the selection items choices. Separate each item by hitting the enter key. When finished, hit Apply.

5.2.3. All the choices will appear under the multiple choice survey question.

6. To add suggested choices, click use suggested choices. Click the arrow to access the dropdown of suggested choices options. Then, click on your selection.
Qualtrics has suggested choices that can help you build questions. These contain answer choices for common survey questions, such as demographics or asking satisfaction on a standardized scale.
7. To reverse the order of choices, click Reverse order.