TC Technology Knowledge Base

Access Qualtrics training on XM Basecamp

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Qualtrics XM Basecamp is the official training site for Qualtrics. It provides on-demand videos, tutorials as well as live webinars. You will need to follow the instructions below to log into XM Basecamp with your TC UNI.

1. Log into the TC Portal

2. In the applications Tab, click More Applications.

3. Click on the Qualtrics icon.

4. From the Qualtrics home page, click on Go to Basecamp.

Home | Qualtrics Experience Management - Google Chrome

5. Click LOG IN.

XM Basecamp: Learn Qualtrics with On-demand Training - Google Chrome

6. In the popup window, click Qualtrics credentials.

XM Basecamp: Learn Qualtrics with On-demand Training - Google Chrome

7. Click Sign in with SSO.

Login | Qualtrics - Google Chrome

8. Type in teacherscollege into the box and click Continue.

Login | Qualtrics - Google Chrome

9. In the username field, type your UNI with #tccolumbia (no spaces). Type your Qualtrics password in the password field. Then, click Sign In.

Qualtrics does not recognize the @ symbol in the username field. Make sure you use the # symbol to log into your account.

Qualtrics may or may not have the same password as your My TC Portal.  If needed, you may reset your password by clicking Forgot your password? Reset here.

Login | Qualtrics - Google Chrome

10. The XM Basecamp site will reappear. The LOG IN prompt will be replaced with a person icon to indicate you have successfully logged in.

XM Basecamp: Learn Qualtrics with On-demand Training - Google Chrome
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