1. Open SPSS and click File.
2. Click Open.
3. Click Data. The open data window will appear.
4. Locate and click on the file you want to import.
5. Click Open. The Opening Excel Data Source window will appear.
5.1. If your variable names are in the first row of data, check the Read variable names from the first row of data check box.
6. Click the dropdown arrow next to Worksheet. Select the Excel sheet that contains your data.
If you have not assigned names to the sheets in your Excel workbook, the labels you see here will usually be Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc. You can only import one sheet from your Excel file at a time.
6.1. You may also specify the range and maximum width for string columns if you wish.
It is suggested to keep the default value unless you have a reason for altering it.