When you perform any command in SPSS, the Output Viewer window opens automatically and displays a log of the actions taken and the associated output.
1. Primarily, the Output Viewer is where the results of statistical analysis are shown, but any command invoked through the drop-down menus or syntax will be printed to the Output Viewer. This includes opening, closing, or saving a data file.
If an Output Viewer window is not open when a command is run, a new Output Viewer window will automatically be created.
2. The Output Viewer window is divided into two sections, or frames. The left frame contains an outline of the content in the Output Viewer.
This outline is especially useful when you have run many SPSS commands and need to locate a particular section of output easily.
3. The right frame contains the actual output. Clicking on an item in the left frame will jump to that content in the right frame.
Items that have been selected in the right frame are indicated by a red arrow and a box drawn around the content.
4. You can modify contents in the Output Viewer.
4.1. Select item(s) in the left or right frame, right click on the item.
5. To remove an item from the Output Viewer
5.1. Click on its name in the left frame or click on the object itself in the right frame.
5.2. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
6. To save an Output Viewer window as a viewer file, click File and select Save As...
An Output Viewer window can be saved as a viewer file (*.spv) so that you can review it again without having to re-run the same commands in SPSS.
7. Choose the location of where you would like your file saved using the dropdown button.

8. Name your file.

9. Check which additional options you may want.

10. Click Save.

11. Alternatively, you can export some or all of the contents in the Viewer window to a new document or image file. Click File and select Export.
11.1. Choose which objects you would like to export.

11.2. Click the dropdown arrow to select the type of file you would like your objects to be exported as.
In general, you can export all content as a PDF (*.pdf), a PowerPoint file (*.ppt), an Excel file (*.xls or *.xlsx), a Word file (*.doc or *.docx), an HTML file (*.htm), or a text file (*.txt). Graphs can be saved as *.bmp, *.emf, *.eps, *.jpeg, *.png, or *.tif.

11.2.1. Optional: You can change the options of the exported object format. Click on Change Options.

11.2.2. Choose your options and click Continue.

11.3. Click Browse.

11.4. Click the dropdown arrow to select a location to save the exported objects.

11.5. Provide a name for the exported objects.

11.6. Click Save.

12. Finally, click OK to export your objects.