TC Technology Knowledge Base

Get the Classroom Ready for Breakout Rooms

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Learn how to connect your personal device to the classroom Zoom meeting before beginning class.

Tips To Prevent Audio Feedback:

  • If classroom audio is being used, no other devices should have their audio connected.
  • Turning off classroom audio prevents feedback while in-person students work in Zoom breakout rooms with remote students.
  • Students must connect to their computer's audio for their Zoom breakout rooms in the classroom after the classroom audio has been shut off.

1. To shut off the classroom audio to prepare for a Zoom breakout session, access Zoom on the main classroom computer. Click the arrow next to the microphone icon.

2. Click Leave computer audio

3. Once you see the Join Audio icon, students in the classroom will be able to join computer audio on their personal device.

4. After breakout rooms have concluded, all students and personal devices in the classroom should leave computer audio.

5. From the main classroom computer, access Zoom and click Join Audio.

6. Click Join with Computer Audio button to re-join the main classroom audio.

Choose ONE of the audio conference options
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