2. In the top right corner, click on Login and select Admin Portal.
3. Sign into RingCentral using your TC phone number. Click Next.
4. Enter your password. Click Sign In.
5. You will now be in your RingCentral account. Click on Voicemail.
6. Click on the drop-down next to Messages.
6.1. You can then access the messages that are in use during user hours and after hours. You can listen to the default voicemail greeting by clicking on the play button.
7. If you want to edit your voicemail greeting, click on Edit in the bottom left.
7.1. You can listen to the default voicemail greeting. If you want to change to a custom voicemail greeting, change Default to Custom.
7.2. You can then record your custom voicemail greeting using your mobile phone, computer microphone or by importing an audio file. Once you have finished, click on Done.