TC Technology Knowledge Base

Reset your Canvas password if you don't have a UNI

Updated on

If you do not have a Teachers College UNI, these instructions describe how to reset your Canvas password.

1. Go to

2. Click Non-UNI Canvas Login.

Teachers College, Columbia University - Sign In - Google Chrome

3. Click Forget Password.

Log In to Canvas - Google Chrome

4. In the Login box, type your full email address and then click Request Password.

Log In to Canvas - Google Chrome

5. A message will appear confirming that an email has been sent to you.

Log In to Canvas - Google Chrome

6. Open the email from Teachers College Canvas with the subject: Forgot Password: Canvas.

7. Click where it says Click here to set a new password.

8. Enter your new password twice and click Update Password.

9. Click the Non-UNI Canvas Login link.

Teachers College, Columbia University - Sign In - Google Chrome

10. Enter your email address, Password, and click Log In.

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