Before Syncing your Perusall assignment in the Canvas gradebook make sure to follow Step 1.
2. Fill in the details of the assignment.
2.1. Name the assignment exactly the same as you did in Perusall. If you copied the name of the assignment from Perusall to the clipboard, just paste it here.
See where to find the title in Step 1 of setting up your Perusall Assignment.
2.2. Add detailed assignment instructions.
2.3. Determine the number of points for the assignment. Make sure it has the same points than the Perusall Assignment.
By default, Perusall scores range from 0 to 3. To learn how to change the scoring criteria, check these steps.
3. Scroll down to Submission Type. Choose External Tool, then click Find.
4. Locate and click on Perusall, then click Select.
5. Check the box Load this Tool in a New Tab.
This box must be selected or you will not be able to access the course Perusall site.