Padlet can be used to create a template for a project or an assignment. By turning on the 'Make a copy for each user' option in Padlet (within Canvas LTI), students will get their own Padlet (not shared with others) when they click on the link in the assignment and you will be automatically added as a shared member to the Padlet.
1.1. Click Assignments.

1.4. Scroll down the page to find Submission Type. Select External Tool.

1.5. Click Find.

1.6. A pop-up window will appear. Scroll down to search for Padlet 1.3. Click on it.

2. Click on the gear icon on the top right hand corner.

3. Turn on Make a copy for each user.

4. Click the back button.

5. Select a Padlet you want to use as a template in the assignment.

6. Click Select.

7. Finish setting up the requirements for your assignment. Then, click Save & Publish or Save.
When your students click on the assignment, a copy of the Padlet will be created for them, and you will be automatically added as a collaborator in their Padlet.
9. Click on the three dots on the bottom left hand corner.

10. Select Profile.