1. Click the Settings icon on the top right to begin customizing the appearance of your Padlet.

2. Once the modification panel appears on the right, edit the title, description, and icon of your Padlet.

3. In the appearance section, you can edit the wallpaper, color scheme, and fonts.

4. Select the wallpaper of your choice by clicking the options available to you.
You have the option to pick a wallpaper from the Solid Colors, Gradients, Textures & Patterns, or Pictures sections. Alternatively, you can also upload your own Wallpaper.

5. Toggle the buttons to edit these posting settings.
On the modifications panel, you can also edit the posting settings.
- Layout: You can toggle this button to decide where new posts appear.
- Engagement: Allows students to comment on each other’s posts and enabling reactions allows students to show support for others without a full comment.
- Posts: Turning this option on will display the names of the authors who post on your board. This function could be useful in a classroom setting if the instructor needs their students' names to be displayed on their posts.
- Content: You can also enable or disable options to moderate and allow others to remake this padlet.