TC Technology Knowledge Base

Share a password-protected Padlet in Canvas

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Setting a password for your Padlet is a secure way to share a Padlet in your Canvas course. It helps to ensure that the Padlet is only accessible for students within the course to protect their privacy. Participants do not need to have a Padlet account before collaborating in the Padlet. They will be prompted to enter the password for access.

The most secure way to share your Padlet is to share it with specific users.

1. Click on the share icon in the top right-hand corner of the Padlet.

2. Click Link Privacy.

3. Select Password. Then, enter a password in the space at the bottom.

Make sure Visitor permissions is set to Can write.

5. Type the password in the Rich Text editor box.

6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click Save.

7. Students should be able to see the password to access the embedded Padlet.

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