TC Technology Knowledge Base

Supervisor Instructions for Approving Web Time Entry

Updated on

This guide will illustrate how to approve web time entries as a supervisor at Teachers College.

Approving Web Time Entries

  •  Log into the myTC portal (
  •  Navigate to the “Employee Resources” tab.
  •  Select "Employee Dashboard."
  •  Please navigate to the "My Activities" section of your Employee Dashboard located on the right-hand side of your screen. Click the "Approve Time" link to approve the timesheets in your queue, or, click the "Approve Leave Report" link to approve leave reports submitted by professional employees.

You will be taken to your respective "Approvals" web time dashboard. You will see the web times slated for your review listed beneath your associated employee records. You can toggle between approving timesheets or leave reports by selecting the appropriate option from the category dropdown on the left-hand side of the screen. You can further refine your results by filtering by department, pay period, and web time status. Lastly, you can search for a specific employee's web time record by searching by the employee's name using the search function on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

Each employee web time submission has the following information:

  • Employee Name: the full name of the employee submitting their web leave. You will also see their official job title beneath their full name.
  • ID: the T-ID for the respective employee.
  • Organization: the name of the business organization the employee is affiliated with.
  • Hours/Days/Units: the total number of web time submitted for approval within a given timesheet or leave report.

A supervisor can also review the "List of Approvers" by clicking the information icon. Supervisors can also click the three-dot icon to receive a "Preview" of a given web time entry, or review an employee's available leave time with the "Leave Balance" selection. Click on a given employee's submission record to review their web time submission.

Once submitted a timesheet or leave report will receive a "Pending" status. A supervisor can:

  • Return: return a timesheet or leave report.
  • Details: review hours worked or leave taken using the calendar view.
  • Return for Correction: return a timesheet or leave report for corrections or modifications.
  • Approve: approve a timesheet or leave report.

Selecting "Approve" will complete the web time transaction between a supervisor and their employee. This certifies that a supervisor reviewed a given web time entry and approved the hours cited as accurate.

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