1. Click the notes symbol in the side navigation menu.
2. The Document Notes window will appear. In the pop-out, you can choose to add a sticky note or a text note to the literature by clicking the plus sign under sticky notes or text notes.
3. To place a sticky note or text note, click on the text in the document you would like to place the notes within. Clicking on the text will cause a text box to appear.
3.1. Select the font type, font size, text color and style for your sticky note or text note.
3.2. Click on the eye button to hide or unhide the sticky notes or text note.
4. To delete a text or sticky note
4.1. Click on the Notes symbol in the side navigation menu.
4.2. Click the red X in the pop-out menu.
4.3. A red X will appear at the end of the mouse cursor. Click on any sticky note or text note to delete them.