If you have already created a Zoom meeting, but would like to change it to a webinar, follow the steps below. Note: you must have been given webinar access on your Zoom account before you can complete these steps.
1. Log into Zoom via myTC portal using your TC UNI and password.
2. Click the Student, Faculty, or Employee Resources tab and under the General Technology Resources, click TC Zoom.
3. Click on Meeting in the left menu.
4. Find the meeting you want to make into a webinar and click on the meeting name or Topic.
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the meeting details and click on Convert this Meeting into a Webinar.
6. Then click Convert on the pop-up window.
Once you convert an existing meeting to a webinar, you cannot change it back. Note: your Zoom account must have been granted webinar access before you can convert a meeting into a webinar.