TC Technology Knowledge Base

Create a Turnitin assignment

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Access your course in Canvas

1. Log into the myTC portal.

2. Click on the Canvas icon in the top right corner.

3. Click Dashboard in the Global Navigation menu.

4. Click on your course card.

1. Click Assignments in the Course Navigation Menu.

2. Click + Assignment in the top right corner.

3. Enter a title in the Assignment Name field.

4. Scroll down to the assignment details, and select External Tool in the Submission Type drop-down menu.

5. Click Find.

6. A Configure External Tool pop-up will appear. Navigate to and click Turnitin [1], and click Select [2].

7. Complete the rest of the assignment details, and click Save & Publish.

8. In the newly-created Turnitin module, click the Settings button.

9. Enter instructions [1], and configure the Start Date, Due Date, and Feedback Release Date [2].

10. Click Optional Settings.

11. Configure any of the settings.

Under Similarity Report, click the Generate Similarity Reports for student submission drop-down menu to allow students to resubmit.

12. Click Submit.

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