TC Technology Knowledge Base

Code data in Nvivo 12

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1. Double-click the file name in the navigation bar

2. Turn on the coding stripes by clicking View and click Coding Stripes.

3. Now, we can create nodes based on our research topic.

3.1. Click on Nodes on the left.

3.2. Right click on the white space in between.

3.3. Choose New Top Level Node.

4. You can name your node based on the various themes you want to code your nodes into.

4.1. Click on the untitled node.

4.2. Type out the name of your node.

You can create multiple nodes using this way.

5. As you read, you can drag and drop contents into the nodes.

6. Or, you could try some quick coding by clicking on Code on the top right [1] and then put it under the theme you created [2].

7. If you find a new theme, you can also create it here. ,  and then  as shown below.

7.1. Click on Code.

7.2. Type out the name of the new node.

7.3. Under Code at New..., click on Node "Fishing".

8. You can also see the coding via stripes on the right by clicking on them.

9. To open a node, click on the name of the node.

10. You can also drag and drop pictures into the nodes.

11. You can also drag and drop PDFs into the nodes.

You could also code many other types of data. No matter what format your data is stored, NVivo let's you code your way!

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