TC Technology Knowledge Base

Export Google Photos & Google Drive Files with Google Takeout

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1. Go to Google Takeout:

2. Select "Google Photos" and/or "Drive" as the products you wish to export, then select "Next Step".

3. View the export destination options.

4. Select the option you prefer.

5. Select "Export Once" as the export frequency.

6. Select the File Type and Size then select "Create Export".

.zip files can be opened by most computers were as .tgz files may require additional software for Windows users.

Exports larger than 10GB will be split into multiple files. Zip files larger than 2GB will be compressed in zip64. Older operating systems may not be able to open this file format. There are external applications that can be used to uncompress zip64 files.

7. Your export progress will appear in a new window.

8. Google will send an email when the export is complete. Depending on the file size, the export process could take hours or days.

After successfully exporting your data remember to delete the data in Google.

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