TC Technology Knowledge Base

Duo Self Enrollment

Updated on

The use of Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access TC's web-based services will be required for all faculty staff, students and alumni.

1. Log into the TC Portal

2. If you do not have a TC Duo account, you will be prompted to enroll in Duo.

4. Enter the phone number of the mobile device you want to add

5. Confirm the phone number, check the box stating you entered the correct phone number and click "continue"

6. Select the type of mobile device you have, select "continue"

7. Follow the steps to install the Duo Mobile App

8. Select "I have Duo Mobile"

9. Follow the steps to activate Duo

9.1. From the Duo app on your mobile device, tap "Add"

9.2. Tap "Use QR code," then scan the QR code (from Step 9 above)

10. You will see a green check mark confirming Duo has paired with your mobile device. Tap "Continue."

11. From the "When I log in" drop down menu, select "Ask me to choose an authentication method"

12. Select "Continue to Login"

13. Select "Send Me a Push"

14. Check the "Remember me for 24 hours" box, Duo keep you logged in for 24 hours without re-authenticating

15. Login request notification will be pushed to your mobile device.

16. From your mobile device, locate and tap on the Duo notification

17. Tap "Approve"