TC Technology Knowledge Base

Export references from an online database to EndNote (Mac)

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To export a reference from an online database (including the Teachers College Supersearch):

Use an online database (such as the Teachers College Supersearch or an online journal such as PubMed) as you typically would.

1. Select the reference(s) you want to cite. Click Export.

The instructions in this article were created using Columbia University Libraries Web of Sciences.

2. Select EndNote Desktop.

3. Export the articles you have selected, click Export.

You can export up to 1000 records each time without selection.

4. A file will be downloaded. Click on the file to open.

5. The references will then populate in the EndNote library that is currently opened on your desktop.

6. To add a PDF of the article, select the reference [1]. Right-click on the reference [2], then click the Find Full Text button [3].

7. If the full-text PDF can be found, it will be attached to the reference.